Meeting Notes 9-26-12
Meeting Type: Group Meeting
Advisor(s): None
Members: All
Action Items
- Generate individual content for PowerPoint by Friday
- Get together on Friday to organize PowerPoint as a group
Meeting Topics
Important Notes
Transcript (Notes)
- Presentations
- Alex likes the PowerPoint idea to cut down on the time we'll need to spend on the big ass presentations
- Kyle likes weekly meetings to keep the whole team abreast of what's going on
- Intragroup presentations just from the leads
- Next week's should just say an overview, then take it down to the small pieces
- Wants a list of ALL the little things we have to do
- Want to meet Friday right after Ryan
- Get the content together individually before Friday
- Santi and Stuart won't be here Friday
- Changing the layout
- Hot stuff on bottom, cold stuff on top
- Room for things
- Hoping for a second tier of waterproof mounting
- They're trying to decide what to do with drilling holes in the plate, bolting board down to the bottom layer
We aren't worrying about cylindrical shape because it's probably not important
Group Notes